The Arctic Survival suit is a S.C.A.F affiliated suit that is composed of synthetic fibers that protect the human body from extremely cold temperatures, making it ideal in the environment of Tau Volantis. Trivia: This suit is technically one of the most modern and advanced suits obtainable in-game, as most of the other suits are sourced from Tau Volantis’ residents, who died over 200 years ago. This suit is necessary and will be found no matter what.

This suit is found inside of the USM Eudora, or Norton’s ship, and is the first suit Isaac obtains. The EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) suit is an EarthGov affiliated lightweight space suit that is typically used for space travel. However, others require specific methods to unlock. These suits can be unlocked in-game and may be obtained by simply playing through the game. Additionally, some suits in this guide do not have reference images.

Please note that some suits are unobtainable or exclusive to certain sections of the game. This guide serves as a manual for all the different suits available in the game. Dead Space 3 features a wide variety of suits for both Clarke and Carver.